Abstract Guidelines

Before submitting the abstract, the presenting Author needs to be registered at the Symposium website: 70ifpan.conference.pl 

The deadline for an abstract submission is November 15, 2024.

  1.  Abstracts must be submitted via this website. Faxed or emailed abstracts will not be considered.
  2. All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. The abstract should be written using Calibri at 12 points and applying single spacing. The abstract must be submitted in Word (doc, docx, or rtf).
  3. All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a Book of Abstracts on the symposium website.
  4. Only one abstract per person is admitted
  5. The abstract successfully submitted will be confirmed by email.


Abstract Topic – abstracts must be allocated to a specific main topic.

Select from the bar: Abstract type:


  • clinical research,
  • preclinical research,
  • other Topic.


Presenting Author's contact details (should be the exact details as the submitting Author so that the presenting Author receives the correspondence about the abstract): Email address

Author and co-authors' details: Author's surname before listing the initial letters of names.
Affiliation details: full name of institution, town, country (all in italics).
Abstract title:  A title (not more than 150 characters) should accurately describe the nature of the study and be indicated in bold.
Abstract body:  limited to 2500 characters (including spaces) and be divided into five sections indicated in bold:

  • Background,
  • Material and methods,
  • Results,
  • Conclusions,
  • Acknowledgements.

Please do not include references.

Tables and Graphs are not accepted.

Please note that abstracts must be SUBMITTED before the deadline to be sent for review by the Scientific Committee for inclusion in the Scientific Program.



During abstract submission, you will be asked to declare the following:

*I confirm that I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission, and I am aware that it will be published as submitted. YES/NO Agree

** Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g., Congress website, programs, other promotions, etc.) YES/NO Agree


The abstract Submitter warrants and represents that no part of the information and content provided by him/her nor the publication of any such Content by the Organizers on the Internet or otherwise infringes any third-party rights, including but not limited to privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.


A guide to poster presentations

Poster form instruction:

  • prepare your poster in English
  • format of the posters is A0 (119 x 84 cm) vertically orientated (portrait)
  • materials for mounting posters will be available on the poster panels
  • the presence of one of the authors at the poster is requested during the poster session